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Meet 2004

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Lionel Vaillat

Message Posté le : Lun 05 Jan 2004, 3:51 am    Sujet du message: Meet 2004 Répondre en citant

The Meet Directors and Organisers are pleased to present you their very best wishes for the forthcoming year. May this year witness the successful achievement of your most precious projects.
We also hope that 2004 will bring a very exciting MEET congress, thanks to your help & confidence.

In order to provide the most efficient information in the most appropriate time, we decided to shorten the length of the MEET 2004 congress to two days and a half, while maintaining a half day dedicated to leisure and various activities.
Thus, the MEET 2004 will be held at the Martinez Hotel, Cannes, from Friday June 11th 8am to Sunday June 13th 1pm.

New dates :
June 11th to 13th,
from Friday to Sunday

As part of its usual educational tools, the MEET congress will feature live case demonstrations from two French live centres.
The Polyclinic Louis Pasteur close to Nancy ( will present carotid, supra-aortic and renal stenting live cases on Friday June 11th, from Max Amor's cathlab.
On Saturday June 12th, Patrice Bergeron will stay in the operating room at Saint-Joseph Hospital in Marseille (
Himself and his guest experts will perform live interventions on thoracic & abdominal aorta and lower limbs.
Thanks to the long lasting support from these two French centres of excellence in endovascular therapies, the live case sessions will be of great scientific interest while offering a high quality image and broadcast. More information on these two well-known institutions are available on their respective websites.

Visit the MEET 2004 website at to discover the very latest information :
the updated Faculty list, the updated shortened programme, the first images of the Martinez Hotel, the endovascular web where most of the European medical societies related to the endovascular therapy are listed.
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